We're excited to have you visit North Brunswick Christian Church! Here's everything you need to know about coming to our Sunday services.
Welcome Home!
Service Times
Sunday Morning
- Coffee & Donut Fellowship: 9:30-10:00 AM
- Sunday School: 10:00-10:45 AM
- Morning Worship: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Tuesday Morning
Men's Prayer Breakfast
6:00-7:00 AM on Tuesdays at Sunny Side Up (a local restaurant)
Thursday Morning
Ladies' Bible Study
10 AM on Thursdays at NBCC in the back room
Location & Directions
3131 Cypress Mill Rd. Brunswick, GA 31525
We have a large, paved parking lot with multiple handicap parking spots near the front entrance. There are also several regular parking spots near the building for visitors and those with small children.
What to Expect
Sunday School
Adult Class 1
Taught by Bill Wood or Wes Oldaker
Lessons are usually a chapter-by-chapter study of a book of the Bible.
Adult Class 2
Taught by Curt Hensley
This interactive class focuses on textual and topical studies and is attended by adults of all ages.
Youth Class
Taught by Anita Hoskins
This class is for children ages 8-17.
Morning Worship
Our worship music is a mixture of classic hymns with contemporary Christian worship music.
Worship is led by Anita Hoskins, our worship leader, and our praise team, who sing along with backing tracks. Each service contains 6 songs.
Lyrics are on a large screen at the front of the sanctuary, but hymnals are also available.
Communion, or the Lord's Supper, is served every Sunday after a brief Communion Meditation message. We encourage every believer in Christ to participate in this remembrance of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Offering is taken after Communion each Sunday morning. This is completely optional for our visitors, as giving is a part of worship for our members to express thanks for what God has blessed us with and to continue His work on earth.
Sermons are typically 20 minutes long.
Service Length
Our Sunday morning worship service is usually about 1 hour long. We encourage to stick around afterwards and visit! We'd love to get to know you.
Children's Church
Children's Church is available during the sermon on Sunday mornings. Children's Church is taught by Emily Hoskins, and includes children from ages 3-10.
Our church does have a nursery with a crib and changing table.
We're located at 3131 Cypress Mill Rd. Brunswick, GA 31525.
Our church building is located almost at the intersection of Cypress Mill Rd. and Highway 17. We're only 2 miles from the College of Coastal Georgia, 3 miles from FLETC, and 9.5 miles from East Beach on St. Simons Island.
If you need a ride to church, please contact Pastor Lewis Burton at (912) 266-1490.
Sunday School starts at 10 AM each Sunday, and the Sunday morning worship service starts at 11 AM.
There is currently no Sunday evening or Wednesday night services, but there is a Men's Prayer Breakfast each Tuesday (off campus) and a Ladies' Bible Study each Thursday.
Most attendees come as dressy casual, but we encourage you to come as you are. Some of our attendees dress more casually than others, and we want to encourage you to come the way you feel comfortable.
We have a children's Sunday School class at 10 AM each Sunday morning, and a children's church program taught by Emily Hoskins during the sermon of the Sunday morning service. Special events for the children are held occasionally throughout the year as well.